“Seeds of Change”
Malden A-VOYCE SYC ‘23-’24
Photo by Emma Ishida
Background Information
After last year’s focus on air quality, we were left thinking about the bigger picture around environmental justice.
Within the realm of environmental justice, we decided to focus on food justice because of our collective investment in how people in Malden grow food, access food, and dispose of food waste.
Some highlights from throughout the year…
We learned about the historical relationship between Asian Americans to farming and restaurant work.
We reflected on our individual and collective roles in the global food system.
Our program culminated in hosting an event in Malden called “Seeds of Change”, to engage with the Malden community on the different stages of the life cycle of food!
Photo by Reina Matsumoto
Our Process
Photo by Emma Ishida
We engaged with the theme of food justice in three different ways:
Public Input: We conducted a survey about the community’s access to food and understanding of food justice.
Art and Storytelling: We created a comic with teaching artist, Maria Fong, about our understanding about the life cycle of food.
Community Engagement: We hosted “Seeds of Change” a community event that invited Malden residents to reflect their relationship to food access and food waste!
Our Final Event: “Seeds of Change”
Photo by Andy Liang (Youth Photographer)
In May 2024, we partnered with Malden organizations to activate City Hall Plaza and engage Malden residents through various activities centered on the life cycle of food!
Malden River Works hosted a table to make seed bombs!
A-VOYCE youth hosted various activities like pot painting, a “food map” to talk about the global food system, cookie decorating, and a table to distribute our survey results and comic.
Photo by Andy Liang (Youth Photographer)
Urban Media Arts featured a video of what food means to residents of Malden. Check it out here!
Mystic River Watershed Association led a heat resiliency activity, to tie together food justice and environmental justice.
Thank you to our partners and volunteers for helping make this event happen!