2022 Residence Lab: Radical Inclusion
Thank you for joining us at the Mid-Exhibit Community Celebration!
Radical Inclusion is a progression of last year’s ResLab theme, Collective Care, which was a moment to turn inward and take care of our community at the height of the pandemic and rising anti-Asian hate. Radical Inclusion reminds us that the community is expansive.
“激进的包容”是去年 ResLab 主题“集体关怀”的一个推进。“集体关怀”是在新冠病毒大流行和反亚裔仇恨上升的高峰期转向内心并照顾我们社区的时刻。激进的包容提醒我们,社区是广阔的。
Radical Inclusion asserts ‘who you are is welcome here.’ It recognizes our desire to belong without sacrificing our identity and power. It pushes back against an "us vs. them" culture and emphasizes solidarity.
Radical Inclusion is both a look back and a hopeful movement towards the future.
Radical Inclusion opens us up to what is possible.
Radical Inclusion centers Chinatown's working-class and immigrant communities who have been historically excluded and dehumanized through racist immigration policies, violence, and disinvestment.
Radical Inclusion acknowledges that there has been a persistent shift in Chinatown’s demographics (Chinatown was predominantly Chinese; however, in 2010, Chinatown was less than 50% Chinese). Our community doesn’t look the same anymore. To live our vision, we must build coalitions and imagine how everyone can contribute.
激进的包容承认唐人街的人口结构一直在发生变化(唐人街原本以华人为主,但在2010 年,唐人街的华人比例不到 50%)。我们的社区看起来不再一样了。为了实现我们的愿景,我们必须建立联盟并想象每个人都可以如何做出贡献。
Institutions also play a part in cultural and spatial inclusion and exclusion. Today, Tufts University has a significant footprint in Chinatown.
Each year, ResLab’s theme and activation sites are informed by the Chinatown 2020 Master Plan that reflects the shared strengths, challenges, and visions of Chinatown residents, activists, and grassroots organizations.
每年,ResLab 的主题和活动站点都会由《唐人街 2020 总体规划》提供引导,该规划反映了唐人街居民、社区领袖和基层组织的共同优势、挑战和愿景。
Read the Master Plan: https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/chinatown-master-plan-2020/
Site 场地
Tufts University
Tufts Community Common
Tufts Community Common 塔夫茨大学社区空间
Tufts Community Common (next to Posner Hall), located on Tufts University’s Health Sciences Campus in Chinatown, currently serves as an open, shared space available to the Tufts and Chinatown communities alike. By working with Tufts University to activate the Tufts Community Common, we hope to make that space more accessible to Chinatown residents who are mostly unaware that this space is open to the public.
Address 地址
186 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02111
Open hours 开放时表
7AM to Sunset 早上7点至日落
Artist and Resident Cohorts
Team 1
Amanda (she/her; artist)
Amanda identifies as a multiracial, second-generation Chinese American. She is a professional muralist, illustrator, and designer based in Dracut, MA.
Her maternal grandparents were born in Guangdong. Her grandfather was living in San Francisco and a WWII veteran when her grandparents married and relocated to Boston’s Chinatown. In Residence Lab, she is excited to reforge a connection to her heritage, culture, and history. She hopes to use her skills to help build belonging and amplify the stories of our community.
Amanda 是一个多种族的第二代华裔美国人。她是一名壁画师、插画师和设计师,先居住在马萨诸塞州德拉卡特。她的外祖父母出生在广东:外祖父本是旧金山居民和二战老兵,他和外祖母结婚后搬到了波士顿唐人街。参加 ResLab,她很高兴能重新建立与她的传统、文化和历史的联系。她希望利用她的技能来帮助建立归属感并扩大美国亚裔人民的故事。
Xingyao (she/her; resident)
Xingyao has lived in Chinatown for 10 years. As a resident, she wants people to learn about Chinatown and Chinese culture.
As a ResLab participant, she is interested in communicating and learning with her team. She’s made many new friends and feels honored to be in the program.
Yanna (she/her; resident)
Yanna (陈燕娜) has lived in Chinatown for 8 years. She is passionate about the lives and health of Chinatown residents and the future of Chinatown.
ResLab has made her realize the many meaningful community events happening in the community. She has also made many new friends and hopes to attend more events in the future. She enjoys living life without worry.
Team 2
Victoria (she/her; artist)
Victoria is a mural painter, character designer, animator, graphic designer, and illustrator. As a child, she would often go to Chinatown with her family for food and the bakeries.
“In the Residence Lab, I’m excited to listen to the stories and experiences when all of the Chinatown residents and artists gather into one place to meet each other. People's stories are such an important part of connecting with one another, especially through art.”
Victoria 是一名壁画画师、角色设计师、动画师、平面设计师和插画师。她和唐人街的联系从小到大一直都有,我经常和家人一起去唐人街那里的许多餐馆吃饭,然后去面包房。“在ResLab,我很高兴听到唐人街居民和艺术家聚集在一起时分享的故事和经历。尤其是通过艺术,故事是使得人们相互连接的重中之重。”
Peiqiong (she/her; resident)
Peiqiong has lived in Chinatown for 6 years. She likes dance, music, and singing. As a resident, she wants people to know about the culture, history, and current community events of Chinatown.
Her favorite memory of ResLab is from the first group discussion which made her very happy and excited.
Niq (she/her; resident)
Niq has lived in Chinatown for almost 7 years. “As a resident I want people to know that Chinatown is a safe and quiet place to live. The neighborhood also has great restaurants with a variety of Asian, Chinese, Thai, and Japanese food.”
Niq is excited for the development of her team’s ResLab community project.
Niq 在唐人街生活将近7年了。身为唐人街居民,我想让人们了解唐人街的是虽然所处地区繁华,但在唐人街居住既安静又安全。这里还有很多亚洲特色美食。Niq非常期待她的小组的社区项目可以成为现实。
Team 3
Ann (she/her; artist)
Ann is a recent graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, completing her Master of Industrial Design in May 2022. She is a multidisciplinary designer with a background in architecture and graphic visualization. Her connection with Boston Chinatown is relatively new, but she immediately felt drawn to this Chinatown because it reminded her of the one she grew up with and frequented with her family.
In Residence Lab, she is excited about building relationships with residents and community members to develop a co-creation practice based on reflection, sharing, and learning. She wants to invest time in designing work that emphasizes engagement, relationships, and enjoyment within the community.
Allison (she/they; resident)
Alison is a Black-Puerto Rican resident of Chinatown. She has lived in Chinatown for about 1 year. They are interested in gardening, poetry/writing, painting, film, music and interactive art.
“As a resident, what I want people to know about Chinatown is the history beyond the tourism and superficial. Such as how there was a movement for women to join the workforce when a telephone switching station was first built on Essex Street. I also want people to know the neighborhood had a diverse history of Irish, Syrian, Italian immigrants prior to the migration of Chinese immigrants migrating from San Francisco to Boston.”
Alison是一個黑波多黎各的唐人街居民,在唐人街生活一年了。作為一名居民,她希望人們了解唐人街不只是一個遊客地,它有著的豐富歷史。 例如,在Essex街首次建立電話交換站時,唐人街居民曾組織讓女性加入勞動力。 她還想讓人們知道,在舊金山華裔移民遷移到波士頓之前,這個社區有愛爾蘭、敘利亞、意大利移民的多樣化歷史。Alison對園藝、詩歌/寫作、繪畫、電影、音樂和互動藝術感興趣。
Winnie (she/her; resident)
Manchu “Winnie” has lived in Chinatown for 15 years. She is interested in food, swimming, videos and art.
“What I want people to know about Chinatown is its culture and background, [because] if everyone understands these, they can understand each other more and break social barriers.”
Looking back at ResLab: “I very much enjoyed the whole event. I just so enjoy every moment. Every minute. Thanks May for bringing me to this event”
阮曼珠在唐人街生活15年了。身为唐人街居民,她想让人们了解唐人街的文化、教育和背景,如果大家都了解这些,可以互相包容,解除隔膜。關於ResLab,她分享:我非常喜欢整个活动。我享受每一分每一刻。感谢 May邀请我参加这次活动。再次感谢小组里的每一个人!
ResLab is a collaborative placekeeping program by Pao Arts Center and ACDC.
ResLab 2022 Partners
A special thanks to Tufts University for hosting this year's Residence Lab exhibition and for co-sponsoring this year's Kick-Off!