2021 Summer Leadership Academy Showcase
ACDC’s A-VOYCE Summer Leadership Academy (SLA) is a six-week-long leadership program serving high school-aged youth. Learn more here.
The 2021 SLA theme focused on 'The Art of PersuAsian'. This year, 12 young people gained an understanding of their Asian identities and experiences while learning about Asian American History through a lens of creative storytelling and anti-oppression frameworks.
We’re excited to share with you their final projects below!
Poem anthology
A collection of poems on Asian identity written by this year’s SLA cohort.
ON anti-blackness
Youth created resources about anti-Blackness and the four I’s of oppression.
On Ableism
Youth learned about ableism, its impacts on individuals with disabilities, and different ways to address ableist language and behavior.
On the model minority myth
Youth explored the impact of the model minority myth on mental health and how it divides BIPOC communities.