Letter from the Executive Director and board president
Dear Friends of ACDC,
While the past two years have been marked by compounding adversity, it is our resilience and care for one another that will define us, and why we chose Collective Care as our 2021 Annual Report theme. Witnessing the love and support among neighbors and across communities inspires us every day in our work, despite the most recent surge in racist sentiments and violent attacks targeting Asian individuals. Partnering with neighboring organizations and elected officials across Boston, Malden, and Quincy has increased the overall reach and support services available to working class and immigrant communities we all serve.
ACDC continues to pool its resources and efforts with partners such as AARW, BCNC, CPA, and GBLS – Asian Outreach Unit to advocate for expanding the quality of life and access to resources for our constituents. This includes advocating for more federal pandemic relief funding for immigrant households and promoting data equity to amplify the needs of underrepresented ethnicities. Data equity is key in dispelling the model minority myth that prevents vulnerable populations from receiving critical services - programs fueled by public and private funders who are informed by inadequate demographic surveys and reports. In addition to advocating for long-term solutions, we worked with our partners to provide translation and interpretation support so that families could apply for much-needed housing relief assistance and access vaccine appointments.
Our placekeeping work anchors the communities we serve by coaching residents of all ages and backgrounds to become community leaders and recruiting emerging artists to collaborate with our resident leaders. ACDC’s community-centered public art projects produce creative solutions to foster neighborly connections and celebrate the vibrant residents, culture, and history of Chinatown. A banner year for our placekeeping efforts, in 2021 we celebrated the inaugural Hudson Street Stoop installation, “Storytell and Sway” by Gianna Stewart and “Where We Belong / 归属,归宿” mural on Oxford Street by Ponnapa Prakkamakul, and the fourth year of launching Residence Lab where Chinatown residents and artists created three unique, temporary installations at Mary Soo Hoo Park, in partnership with the Pao Arts Center and the Greenway.
Thank you to our generous supporters and partners for investing in people and the places they call home alongside ACDC. We look forward to another year of building homes and strengthening communities.
Angie Liou, Executive Director
Paul W. Lee, Board President
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In 2021, ACDC expanded on its placekeeping efforts by bringing multiple installations to Chinatown in collaboration with residents, local artists, and our partners including the Pao Arts Center and Rose Kennedy Greenway. Hear from Jeena Chang, ACDC's Director of Community Programs & Design the incredible ways residents, artists, and other community organizations have collaborated with ACDC to create vibrant and interactive public art that seeks to honor Chinatown's history and connect neighbors.
Watch the video introduced by Jeena about the Hudson Street Stoop. This inaugural installation titled "Storytell and Sway" was created by artist Gianna Stewart in collaboration with Chinatown residents. Special thank you to our residents Itasha Daniels, Pihua Lin, and Dianyvet Serrano for sharing their stories, and to Amanda Huang for creating this video.
Check out this highlight on the "Where We Belong / 归属,归宿" mural by Ponnapa Prakkamakul, who worked with our youth and Chinatown residents to create this 150-foot mural honoring the site's history as a former noodle factory. The colorful imagery celebrating the cultural significance of noodles also spreads an affirming message that Chinatown is home to everyone. In the face of displacement and recent surge in violent attacks against Asians, particularly our elders, we belong here. Special thank you our partner Oxford Properties for funding this project. This video was made by Olivia Huang, courtesy of Oxford Properties.
A-VOYCE Youth Leadership
Our youth programs team, Celina, Emma, and Sung-Min, share how their A-VOYCE programs have been supporting young people as they navigate the pandemic and continue leading projects to transform their communities.
Pandemic Relief Efforts
May Lui, ACDC's Resident Engagement Coordinator, and Lee Lin, ACDC's former Housing Counselor (now working part-time for the hotline), share how they have supported hundreds of families in the past year.
They continue to dedicate countless hours to help each household secure life-sustaining housing assistance to pay for rental and mortgage expenses. With many families still struggling with unemployment, ACDC's multilingual hotline bridges the language gap that prevents many immigrant families from accessing these much-needed funds so they can stay in their homes and avoid eviction or foreclosure.
Civic Engagement & Advocacy
Organizing & Advocacy Fellow Mabelle Zhang shares how ACDC and our partners in APIs CAN continue to mobilize residents across Boston, Malden and Quincy to vote and advocate for community needs.
Building Blocks - Financial Literacy & Homeownership

Thank you to our supporters!
Individual Supporters
Anonymous Donors
Magdalena Agardi
Miki Akimoto
Katie Aldrich
Sandy Alexandere
Rosanna Alfaro
Sara Allred
Mahal Alvarez-Backus
Ana Sofia Amieva-Wang
Maren Anderson
Robert & Charissa Ang
Cecelia Angelone
Elyssa Anneser
Jordan Aribit
Monica Arkin
Katherine Armstrong
Mark Aronson
Madeline Augustine
Molly Babbin
Michael Bahtiairan
Willa Bandlet
Laurel Barkan
Jade Bath
Louise Baxter
Gordon Bedford
Tessa Belanger
Carla Benka
Megan Berja
Ariel Bernhard
Paul Bi
Mitchell Bilczewski
Parizad Bilimoria
Robert Binney
Dana Blankschtein
Jerry & Karin Blum
Jamie Boccia
Amy Boglarski
Amelia Bowen Cotter
Todd Bowers
Catey Boyle
Amy Brassard
Jean-Phillip Brignol
Katrina Brink
Elana Brochin
Bing Broderick
Micaela Brody
Michele Brooks
Maya Brow
David Charles Bunker
Josh Burns
Joseph Byrne
Kathleen Cahill
Barbara Callahan
Lyndsay Calusine
Jacqueline Cancell
Susan Caponigro
Emmy Carragher
Joseph Carrano
Benjamin Carter
Ilene Carver
Meg Cater
Alex Caulfield
Larry Chafetz
Arrington Chambliss
Alda Chan
Paul K. Chan
Lawrence Chan
Ava Chan
Nicole Chan Loeb
Leigh Chandler
Agnes Chang
Katie Charpentier
Althea Chasse
Nick, Eva & Sabrina Chau
Neal Chaudhuri
David Chea
Lilly Chen
Zhen Zhen Chen
Yan Zhou Chen
Yongmei & Richard Chen
Jennifer Chen
Yvonne Chern
Lisa Chernin
Amy Cheung & Pradeep Mangalath
Chelsea Chia
Francis Chin
Celine Chin
Helen Chin-Schlichte
Kimberly Ching
Karmen Chong
Joe & Selina Chow
Vincent Chow
Sukfil Chun
Viviana Cintra
Jill Clemmer
Andrew Cloud
Tien Co
Liannon Collins
Francesca Coltrera
Paul Condon
Thomas Cone
Sienna Conti
Philip Coonley
Claire Corcoran
Jessica Coughlin
Zoe Dale
Thomas Daly
Deborah & Paul Danik
Elaina Darby
Jacob deBelcourt
Charles Deknatel
Caitlyn Dickinson
Casey Diehl
Estelle Disch
Stephen Donaghey
Jessica Donaldson
Alice Donnelly
Victoria Doucette
Nicole Downer
Mai Du
Xiaotong Duan
Fernande Duffy
Annie Duong
Amy Dwyer
Aaron Dy
Lauren Eckenroth
Nicole Eigbrett
P. Nicholas Elton
Gay Eng
Valerie Enriquez
Matthew Eriksen
Stephanie & John Fan
Kenneth Fan
Charlie Farison
Caitlin Farringron
Angela Feis
Steven Fenton
Claire Fielder
Hannah Finn-Erb
Eliza Fishman
David Floyd
Bonnibel Fonbuena + Bhurin Sead
James Fong
Megan Footit
Sarah Freeman
Aileen Freeman
Sarah Frisco
Raj Karan Gambhir
Judith Garber
Beth Garry
Sally Gau
Mary Gaughan
Lauren K. Gibbs
Sally Gigliotti
Christopher Gilligan
Katherine Golob-Jones
Brendan Goodwin
Rachael Goodyer
Arturo Gossage
Kar Gray
Michael S. Greco
Debra Griffin
Hannah Gudeman
Penar Gurel
Samantha Ha
Karissa Hand
Matthew Handel
Eric Hardt
Caitlan Hart
Anne B. Hartnett
Rickie Harvey
Connor Hayden
Doug Hazen Jr.
Lucy He
Samuel Helman
Hayden Henderson
Sandra Hernandez
Leonard Ho
Eugene Ho & Natalie Truong
Katherine Holmes
Julie Hom-Mandell
Sue Housman
Katharine E. Howard
James Hrisho
Jeffrey Hsi
John Hsia
Jeffrey Hsia
Tony Hsiao
Belinda Hu
Lina Huang
Amanda Huang
Andromeda Huffman
Bailey Hull
Lucia Huntington
Siri Hurley
matthew Hurley
Jay Husson
Sam Hyun
Randall Imai
Renee Inomata
Renee Inomata & Paul Lee
Kate Isley
Margaret Ito
Laura Jasinski
Julie Jette
Linda Jiang
Jessica Jong
Yvette Jordan
Shammon Julme
Karin Kahn & Jay Lebed
Andrea Kalsow
Alison Kan
Ita Kane
Melissa Kaplan
Mariko Kato-Koo
Emily Katz
Dave Katz
Grace Kenney
Samantha Keogh
Alexandra Kepner
Tarik Ketin
Sarah G. Kim
Nathan Kim
Stanley King
Maggie Klureza
George Kohout
Christina Koller
Laura Kollett
Sarah Koolsbergen
Carol Koselowski
Joseph Kriesberg
Caroline Krostof
Patricia Kryzak
A.J. Kumar
Steven Kumin
Terry Kwan
Nora L.
Brielle Laliberte
John Lally
Jenny Lam
Madison Lang
Kristin Larson
Carol Lasky
G. Laster
Vincent Lau
Sam Lawton
Elizabeth Le
Catherine Leamy
Patrick Lee
Rebecca A. Lee
Paul W. & Mary Lee
Steven Lee
Sharon Lee
Craig Lee
Kayla Lemorin
John Leong
Patrick Leow
Christina Lepre
Eric Leslie
Andrew Letai
Vivien Li
Sara Li
Andrew Li
Jerrica Li
John Lian
Yazhen Liang
Matthew Liang
Michele Liguori
Cherry Lim
Alice Limbardi
Juli Lin
Sarah Lin
Geng Lin
Amy Linne
Angie Liou
Rachael Littlehale
Yudi Liu
Linda Liu
Victoria Liu
Diana Lo
John Lofberg
Natalie Logan
Amy Longwell
Ricky Lu
Cindy Lu
Yi Lu
Jean Lukitsh
Christina Luo
Patricia Luong
Nikki Lynch
Thomas Lynott
Wenji Ma
Bobby MacCormack
Catherine MacLean
Rebecca Madden
Peter Madsen & Tim Linehan
Monica Maganzini
Lauren Makishima
Meghan Malone
Kara Maloy
Rebecca Mancini
Lenore Maniaci
Mary Manning
Amanda Mantone
Nikoletta Margaretos
Lisa Martin
Christina Martinson
Carol Marton
Beatrice Masters
katy Mastrocola
Martha Matlaw
Reina Matsuura
Sara Mattern
Katie Mazzeo
Macarthur McBurney
Caroline McCarthy
John McCartin
David McDonald
Hannah McGuirl
Mery Meas
Caili Mei
Laura Meilman
Deborah Mel
Laura Melle
Nikko Mendoza
Robert Miller
Alex Milvae
Sara Mintz
Jodie Miu
Ali Mo
Phoebe Moh
Sydney Mokel
Gabriella Mora
Dana Morton
Rachel Moskowitz
Tess Mulrean
Peter Munkenbeck
David Murphy
Kevin Murphy
Evelyn Murphy & Jacque Friedman
Titus Muzi
Ivy & David Nagahiro
David Nathan
Amanda Navarroli
Benjamin Newman
Deirdre Neylon
Yvonne Ng
Hue Nguyen
Daniel Nguyen
Christine Nguyen
Kimi Nguyen
My Nguyen
Abby Nguyen-Burke
Christine Niccoli
William Nicholson
Angela Nielsen
Jared Novack
Kelli O'Brien
Angela O'Donnell
Shannon O'Malley
Natasha O'Rourke
Michael O'Shea
Shannon Obey
Kelli OBrien
lauren Ockene
Alexander Odom
Alexis Orrick
Sasha Pacek
Audrey Paek
Regina Pagani
Elizabeth Pagura
Kee Bum Park
Brent Parrish
Kayla Patel
Bharathi Patimalla-Dipali
Rachel Pearlman
Luisa Pena Lyons
Justin Perilli
Su-Ping Person
Maren Peterson
Susan Pham
Ingrid Pierre
Ashley Pierre-louis
Sarah Pine
Annie Pinkham
Allison Piper
Amy Poliakoff
C. Probst
Allyssa Prutzman
Danielle Pucci
Eva Qiu
John A. Quatrake
Rachel Quimby
Deborah Ramassini
Elise Regensburger
Lauren Rheaume
Wayne Rhodes
Joyce Richard
Anna Riggan
judith roderick
Kelsey Rogers
Genevieve Rogers
Nicolle Rountree
Amanda Roussel
Theresa Roy
Carolyn Rubin
Lily Rugo
Byron Rushing
Amanda Rust
Emma Ryan
Sophie Samdperil
SJ Sammataro
Nora Sanariya
Elana Sanford
Ruth Sayasith
Samuel Scarpino
Ingrid Schroffner
Anthony Sclaff
Justine Scott
Linda See
Harry Selker
Sara Sezun
Allen Shafii
Christine Sharkey
Frances SheddFisher
Jerry Shen
Eliza Shirazi
Nanci Siegel
Jill Silver
Dennis P. Skerry
Mayerly Smith
Rebecca Smoler
Tali Smookler
Helen Song
Cynthia SooHoo
Raymond Soohoo
Karen SooHoo
Barak Soreff
Marisa Sotolongo
Eliza Sparkes
Nichole Speciale
Reyah Spikener
Rikibeth Stein
Rosa Stern Pait
Bridget Stevens
Gianna Stewart
Brian Stilwell
Santino Stropoli
Janine Struzziery
Gabrielle Stryker
Rose Mary Su
Emme Sujo c/o Angela Soohoo
Harrison Sujo c/o Angela Soohoo
Lydia Sullivan
Christina Sun
Tiffany Tai
Misao Takahara
Martina Tan
Kara Tan
Lily Tang
Alice Tang
Nessy Tania
Elias Tapley
Veronica Thompson
Daniel Tillman
Vigue Timothy
Paul Torrey
Phi Tran
Marian Tse & James Lee
Blaire Usedom
Amber Villanueva
Stephen Vogel
Meredith Wade
Dennis Walsh
Allison Walsh
Hannah Walsh
Yuqi Wang
Stephanie Wang
Sophia Wang
Leslie Warshaw
Anne Weeks
Rachel Wells
Kiara Westbrooks
Geoffrey & Annamarie Why
Colin WIlkins
Winston Wong
Danielle Wong
Jeffrey & Souyan Wong
Mary Wong
Irene Wong
Martine Wong
Lena & John Wong
Laura Wong
Edward Wong
Jeanine Wood
Michelle Wu
Eric Wu
Tinsek Wu
Margie & Mark Yamamoto
Stephanie Yan
Gilbert Yap
Cynthia Yee
Anna & Bing Yee
Jeannie Yeh
Minmin Yen
Annie Yen
Andrea Yoder
Gloria Yong
Debora Yoon
Jaclyn Youngblood
Larry Yu
Cameron Yu
Emily K. Yu
Amanda Yuan
Linell Yugawa
J. Fein Zachary
Jeffrey Zapfe
Solsire Zevallos
Jessica Zhang
Institutional Supporters
Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation
Allandale Farm, Inc.
Anser Advisory
Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
BioMed Realty L.P.
BlueHub Capital
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
The Boston Foundation
Boston Planning & Development Agency
Boston Public Health Commission
Bunker Hill Community College
Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust Company
The Cape Cod Foundation
Capital One Foundation
Cathay Bank Foundation
Cheng & Tsui
Chinese Progressive Association
City of Boston
City of Malden
Clark Lau LLC
Clifton Larson Allen
Corcoran Jennison
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund
Democracy HUBS
Drawing Democracy
Eastern Bank Foundation
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
Fifth Generation, Inc.
First Republic Bank
First Republic Bank
Fish & Richardson P.C.
Goldilox Bagels LLC
Greater Boston Association of Realtors
Hamilton Company Charitable Foundation
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation
Homa Safaii Charitable Foundation
Income Research & Management Inc.
Krokidas and Bluestein
MA Division of Banks
Mass Association of Realtors
Mass Cultural Council
Mass Development
Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
Micaela Brody Design
Millennium Partners - Boston
Mtn Sync
National CAPACD
National Development
Needham Bank
New England Foundation for the Arts
Oxford Properties
Paul & Edith Babson Foundation
PayPal Giving Fund
Peabody Properties / EA Fish
People's United Community Foundation of Eastern MA
Project Lotus
Santander Bank
Santander Bank Foundation
Shlomo Fund
Shop, The
South Cove Community Health Center
South Cove Manor
Tai Tung Pharmacy
TD Bank Charitable Foundation
Toast, Inc.
Town of North Andover
Tufts Medical Center
Tufts University
Tufts University Dental Class of 2024
Tufts University - Tisch College of Civic Life
Turner Construction
Ujima Fund (Center for Eco. Democracy)
United Way of Greater Portland
United Way of Mass Bay & Merrimack Valley
Utile Inc.